Sunday 3 December 2017

ASP.NET MVC Multitenancy, Part 3 - NHibernate Tenant Data Filtering and Shared Database

In part 1 we have established tenant context. In part 2 we have configured authentication. Now we will be getting tenant data out of our RDBMS. Before we start storing and retrieving data it's important that you figure out what kind of multitenancy data segregation model you are going to go for. This is an important point and it really depends on your business requirements. To help you choose check out this Microsoft article: Multi-tenant SaaS database tenancy patterns.

My sample app is called “Stop The Line”, it is very basic. It holds very little data, and I have no idea if it's going to take off or not. I have decided to go with "Multi-tenant app with a single multi-tenant database" pattern. Put simply, this means that all my tenants are going to share the same database and I am going to use foreign key to discriminate between them. This is one the cheapest and fastest ways to implement tenancy.

When it comes to development what I don't want to do is to specify tenant id in each query and I don't want to manually specify tenant id when I create and update my domain objects. Remember the onion architecture, as far as I am concerned tenancy is an infrastructure concern and it should stay out of my domain. After few minutes of searching I have found this great blog post that meets these requirements: Bolt-on Multi-Tenancy in ASP.NET MVC With Unity and NHibernate: Part II – Commingled Data. Let's incorporate this in to my sample app.


In my sample app it's possible to query in multitenancy context and without. For example, if a new tenant is signing up for an account then we would not apply the multitenancy context. This is because TenantContext will not exist until tenant was created in the first place.

Also in this implementation I have tried to keep infrastructure decoupled so that it would not be too difficult to move to another database tenancy pattern.

Base Configuration

As there are going to be two different contexts, non-multitenant and multitenant. I have decided to create NHConfiguration base class.

public abstract class NHConfiguration
    public abstract global::NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration Config { get; }

Below is the standard configuration that is going to be used for non-multitenant read/write.

public class Configuration : NHConfiguration
    public override NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration Config => config;

    private NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration config;

    public Configuration()
        this.config = Fluently.Configure()
                .ConnectionString(c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey("default"))
            ).Mappings(m =>
            .ExposeConfiguration(c => SchemaMetadataUpdater.QuoteTableAndColumns(c))

This configuration will get injected into the Unit of Work. If you are new to this, then you should read Unit Of Work Abstraction For NHibernate or Entity Framework C# Example. I have omitted the class implementation.

public class NHUnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
    private NHConfiguration nhConfiguration;

    public NHUnitOfWork(NHConfiguration nhConfiguration)
        this.nhConfiguration = nhConfiguration;

Unfortunately with this solution you will still need to add the private "tenantId" field to your domain classes.

public class Some 
    private Guid tenantId;

The good news is that you don't have to do with it anything inside your domain. It will be handled by infrastructure. The bad news is that it still there. I have spent few hours trying to remove it, I have used some reflection and proxy class generation techniques, unfortunately to no avail. If you find an elegant solution please do share it.

Multitenant Writes

This is where standard configuration is expanded and interceptor is set. Interceptor will be used when some object is updated or saved.

public class ConfigurationMultiTenancy : Configuration
    public ConfigurationMultiTenancy(NHSharedDatabaseMultiTenancyInterceptor interceptor)

Above you will notice that NHSharedDatabaseMultiTenancyInterceptor is injected in to ConfigurationMultiTenancy. Here is the actual interceptor.

public class NHSharedDatabaseMultiTenancyInterceptor : EmptyInterceptor
    readonly TenantContext tenantContext;

    public NHSharedDatabaseMultiTenancyInterceptor(TenantContext tenantContext)
        this.tenantContext = tenantContext;

    public override bool OnSave(object entity, object id, object[] state, string[] propertyNames, IType[] types)
        int index = Array.IndexOf(propertyNames, "tenantId");

        if (index == -1)
            return false;

        state[index] = this.tenantContext.ID;

                .GetField("tenantId", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                .SetValue(entity, tenantContext.ID);

        return base.OnSave(entity, id, state, propertyNames, types);

Multitenant Reads

Configuring reads is much simpler. You just need to enable a filter and provide the parameter. First you need to define the actual filter.

public class MultitenantFilter : FilterDefinition
    public MultitenantFilter()
        WithName("MultitenantFilter").AddParameter("TenantId", NHibernateUtil.Guid);

Then you need to enable it.

public class NHUnitOfWorkMultitenancy : NHUnitOfWork
    public NHUnitOfWorkMultitenancy(NHConfiguration nhConfiguration, TenantContext tenantContext) 
        : base(nhConfiguration)
        this.Session.EnableFilter("MultitenantFilter").SetParameter("TenantId", tenantContext.ID);

Finally you just need to apply it.

public class SomeMap : ClassMap<Some>
    public SomeMap()
        //This is used for writes

        //This is used for reads
        ApplyFilter<MultitenantFilter>("TenantId = :TenantId");

*Note: Code in this article is not production ready and is used for prototyping purposes only. If you have suggestions or feedback please do comment.

Thursday 30 November 2017

ASP.NET MVC Multitenancy, Part 2 - OpenID Connect

In part 1 we have established tenant context. Most business applications need authentication. I have decided to use OpenID Connect, luckily for me it comes with awesome middleware and it's very easy to configure. Here is how you would do it:
public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
            ClientId = "clientid",
            Authority = 'authority",
            RedirectUri = ""

However, not so fast, for each tenant you will need to configure client id, authority, url, etc. This also needs to be done at runtime as you don't want to ship new code every time new tenant registers to use your software. I have looked around for a solution and it turns out that this is a known problem, just take a look at the The Grand Auth Redesign. After a surprising amount of searching I have stumbled upon this amazing Multi-tenant middleware pipelines in ASP.NET Core blog post by Ben Foster. This solution is so damn good. Please read it. Unfortunately it did not work for me out of the box I had to port it over from ASP.NET Core to ASP.NET.

Hopefully by blogging and linking to Ben's article it will be easier for others to find it.

Example Usage

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        app.UsePerTenant((tenantContext, appBranch) =>

            appBranch.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
                CookieName = $"OAuthCookie.{tenantContext.FriendlyName}"

            appBranch.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
                ClientId = tenantContext.AuthClientId,
                Authority = tenantContext.AuthAuthority,
                RedirectUri = $"http://localhost:2295/{tenantContext.FriendlyName}/"

ASP.NET Implementation

/// <summary>
/// Workaround for the known OpenID multitenancy issue
/// based on and designs 
/// </summary>
public class TenantPipelineMiddleware : OwinMiddleware
    readonly IAppBuilder rootApp;
    readonly Action<TenantContext, IAppBuilder> newBranchAppConfig;
    readonly ConcurrentDictionary<TenantContext, Lazy<Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task>>> branches;

    public TenantPipelineMiddleware(OwinMiddleware next, IAppBuilder rootApp, Action<TenantContext, IAppBuilder> newBranchAppConfig)
        : base(next)
        this.rootApp = rootApp;
        this.newBranchAppConfig = newBranchAppConfig;
        this.branches = new ConcurrentDictionary<TenantContext, Lazy<Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task>>>();

    public override async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
        TenantContext tenantContext = context.GetTenantContext();

        if (tenantContext == null || tenantContext.IsEmpty())
            await this.Next.Invoke(context);

        Lazy<Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task>> branch = 
            branches.GetOrAdd(tenantContext, new Lazy<Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task>>(() =>
                IAppBuilder newAppBuilderBranch = rootApp.New();
                newBranchAppConfig(tenantContext, newAppBuilderBranch);
                newAppBuilderBranch.Run((oc) => this.Next.Invoke(oc));
                return newAppBuilderBranch.Build();

        await branch.Value(context.Environment);

public static class OwinContextExtensions
    static string tenantContextKey = "tenantcontext";

    public static TenantContext GetTenantContext(this IOwinContext context)
        if (context.Environment.ContainsKey(tenantContextKey))
            return (TenantContext)context.Environment[tenantContextKey];
        return null;

public static class AppBuilderExtensions
    public static IAppBuilder UsePerTenant(this IAppBuilder app, Action<TenantContext, IAppBuilder> newBranchAppConfig)
        return app.Use<TenantPipelineMiddleware>(app, newBranchAppConfig);

*Note: Code in this article is not production ready and is used for prototyping purposes only. If you have suggestions or feedback please do comment.

Sunday 20 August 2017

ASP.NET MVC Multitenancy, Part 1 - Routing with OWIN

This blog post was rewritten on 29/11/2017.

Recently I have been migrating one of my multitenant ASP.NET MVC application's to the OWIN middleware. This has presented me with an opportunity to change my initial tenant resolution and pipeline registration implementation.

I've started by doing some research to see if I could find something I could just download and use. However, I could not find anything that would meet the following requirements:
  • ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET compatibility
  • Optional multitenant processing i.e. all requests don't have be multitenant
  • Lifecycle delegates for missing tenant identifier and tenant record, and tenant context creation
  • Runtime tenant context dependency injection registration
  • Compatible with multitenant URL paths and could work with subdomains

After much deliberation, I have decided to go with my own implementation. However this implementation was massively influenced by Ben Foster's Building multi-tenant applications with ASP.NET Core (ASP.NET 5) and OpenID Connect Authentication Middleware designs.

Example Usage

public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        app.UseMultitenancy(new MultitenancyNotifications<YourTenantRecord>
            TenantIdentifierNotFound = context =>
                throw new HttpException(404, "Tenant identifier must be provided");
            TenantRecordNotFound = context =>
                return Task.FromResult(0);
            CreateTenantContext = (context, tenantRecord) =>
                ITenantContextFactory tenantContextFactory = ServiceLocator.Resolve<ITenantContextFactory>();
                TenantContext tenantContext = tenantContextFactory.Create(tenantRecord.Id, tenantRecord.NameFriendly, tenantRecord.AuthClientId, tenantRecord.AuthAuthority);
                return Task.FromResult(tenantContext);
Please note that "CreateTenantContext" is a factory delegate. It allows you to control tenant record to tenant context mapping. It also allows you to perform other actions such as runtime tenant context dependency injection registration. By doing this, downstream objects such as controllers will get tenant context injected in to them.
public class SomeController : Controller
    public SomeController(TenantContext tenantContext)


Tenant Identifier Extraction

In my implementation have decided to use MVC routing with data tokens for tenant discrimination.

public class RouteConfig
    public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
            new {controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional}
        ).DataTokens.Add("name", "webclient_multitenancy");
By using data tokens, I am able to check the request route. In this case if request route has data token of name "webclient_multitenancy" I will know that I will be able to extract tenant identifier from the route. As you have probably gathered, in this case I am getting multitenancy identifier from the URL path

public interface ITenantIdentifierExtractor
    bool CanExtract(IOwinContext context);
    string GetIdentifier(IOwinContext context);

public class RouteDataTokensTenantIdentifierExtractor : ITenantIdentifierExtractor
    public bool CanExtract(IOwinContext context)
        RouteData routeData = this.getRouteData(context);
        return routeData != null && routeData.DataTokens.ContainsValue("webclient_multitenancy");

    public string GetIdentifier(IOwinContext context)
        if (!this.CanExtract(context))
            return null;

        RouteData routeData = this.getRouteData(context);
        return routeData.GetRequiredString("tenant");

    private RouteData getRouteData(IOwinContext context)
        HttpContextBase httpContext = (HttpContextBase)context.Environment["System.Web.HttpContextBase"];
        return RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(httpContext);

You don’t have to use data token approach in your application, you can get multitenancy data out of the HTTP request manually.

Tenant Record Resolution

Resolution is where you call service or repository to obtain tenant record, this tenant record will be used later on to create tenant context.

public interface ITenantRecordResolver<TTenantRecord>
    TTenantRecord GetTenant(string tenantIdentifier);

In this implementation, I have decided to call the ITenantService to get the TenantDto object.

public class TenantRecordResolver : ITenantRecordResolver<TenantDto>
    readonly ITenantService tenantService;

    public TenantRecordResolver(ITenantService tenantService)
        this.tenantService = tenantService;

    public TenantDto GetTenant(string tenantIdentifier)
        return this.tenantService.Get(tenantIdentifier);

Most of the time on each request you will be resolving tenant record. At scale this will become very inefficient so it is highly likely that you will want to cache tenant record, to do this you can use decorator pattern.

public class TenantRecordResolverCacheDecorator : ITenantRecordResolver<TenantDto>
    readonly TenantRecordResolver tenantRecordResolver;

    public TenantRecordResolverCacheDecorator(TenantRecordResolver tenantRecordResolver)
        this.tenantRecordResolver = tenantRecordResolver;

    public TenantDto GetTenant(string tenantIdentifier)
        string cacheKey = $"tenantIdentifier:{tenantIdentifier}";

        TenantDto tenant = (TenantDto)MemoryCache.Default[cacheKey];

        if (tenant != null)
            return tenant;

        tenant = this.tenantRecordResolver.GetTenant(tenantIdentifier);
        if (tenant == null)
            return null;

        MemoryCache.Default.Set(cacheKey, tenant, new CacheItemPolicy
            AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(10)
        return tenant;

Middleware & Extensions

We now have all the key components in place and it is time to implement the actual middleware.

public class MultitenancyMiddleware<TTenantRecord>
    where TTenantRecord : class
    readonly ITenantIdentifierExtractor tenantIdentifierExtractor;
    readonly ITenantRecordResolver<TTenantRecord> tenantRecordResolver;
    readonly MultitenancyNotifications<TTenantRecord> notifications;
    readonly Func<Task> next;

    public MultitenancyMiddleware(Func<Task> next, ITenantIdentifierExtractor tenantIdentifierExtractor, 
        ITenantRecordResolver<TTenantRecord> tenantRecordResolver,  MultitenancyNotifications<TTenantRecord> notifications)
    { = next;
        this.tenantIdentifierExtractor = tenantIdentifierExtractor;
        this.tenantRecordResolver = tenantRecordResolver;
        this.notifications = notifications;

    public async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
        if (!this.tenantIdentifierExtractor.CanExtract(context))

        string identifier = this.tenantIdentifierExtractor.GetIdentifier(context);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier))
            await this.notifications.TenantIdentifierNotFound(context);

        TTenantRecord tenantRecord = this.tenantRecordResolver.GetTenant(identifier);
        if (tenantRecord == null)
            await this.notifications.TenantRecordNotFound(context);

        TenantContext tenantContext = await this.notifications.CreateTenantContext(context, tenantRecord);



public class MultitenancyNotifications<TTenantRecord>
    where TTenantRecord : class
    public Func<IOwinContext, Task> TenantIdentifierNotFound { get; set; }
    public Func<IOwinContext, Task> TenantRecordNotFound { get; set; }
    public Func<IOwinContext, TTenantRecord, Task<TenantContext>> CreateTenantContext { get; set; }

    public MultitenancyNotifications()
        this.TenantIdentifierNotFound = context => Task.FromResult(0);
        this.TenantRecordNotFound = context => Task.FromResult(0);
        this.CreateTenantContext = (context, tenantRecord) => Task.FromResult<TenantContext>(null);

public static class OwinContextExtensions
    static string tenantContextKey = "tenantcontext";

    public static void SetTenantContext(this IOwinContext context, TenantContext tenantContext)
        context.Environment.Add(tenantContextKey, tenantContext);
public static class AppBuilderExtensions
    public static IAppBuilder UseMultitenancy<TTenantRecord>(this IAppBuilder app, 
        MultitenancyNotifications<TTenantRecord> notifications)
        where TTenantRecord : class
        return app.Use((context, next) =>
            MultitenancyMiddleware<TTenantRecord> multitenancyMiddleware = 
                ServiceLocator.Resolve<MultitenancyMiddleware<TTenantRecord>>(new { next, notifications });
            return multitenancyMiddleware.Invoke(context);

*Note: Code in this article is not production ready and is used for prototyping purposes only. If you have suggestions or feedback please do comment.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Cloud Architecture & Engineering, B2B Revolution and B2C Evolution

Few years ago I was having a conversation with one of my friends about cloud, SaaS and multitenancy architecture. I was telling him how different it was to normal “hosted” app architecture. That we can setup new business tenant with custom url in seconds. He has said, well, instant tenant provisioning and custom URLs are not new. So what’s so special about it? Blogger and WordPress have been doing it for years. At that point in time I have struggled to answer his question, there was too much to say, ideas in my head were too raw. In this article I am going to explain why cloud, SaaS and multitenancy is revolutionary.

Before we start, let’s get few definitions out of the way:

B2B, Business Applications Business sells to businesses Oracle, Visual Studio Team Services, Sage & Salesforce
B2C, Consumer Applications Business sells to consumers Spotify, Netflix & Blogger.

Your solution’s technical requirements will differ a lot depending on what business model you follow, we will be compare typical B2C and B2B requirements shortly.

Somewhat My Definition
Software as a Service (SaaS) This is where you don’t care about software versioning, upgrades, deployments, where it sits, etc. You just pay for it and use it. If you are using Spotify, you are using SaaS.
Cloud Before cloud we had hosting companies, where you could rent a VM and host your site. Now we have Cloud, which is the same thing but it’s just much smarter and comes with lots of tools. Companies such as Microsoft offer prepackaged services that seamlessly scale your apps horizontally and all you have to do is just upload your binaries via FTP to a folder.
Multitenancy Traditionally each company would get their own “installation”, with multitenancy there is only one installation and everyone is seamlessly using it.

These concepts are very important as they will feed of each other, as I will illustrate this later on.
People use cloud, multitenancy and SaaS as synonyms and this is a mistake (I make this mistake as well).

B2C, Consumer Applications

When it comes to selling directly to customers things are easier, there are a lot less hoops to jump through. Here are some technical requirements that you might need to follow when you build B2C app:

Requirement Description
Availability Consumer facing sites, need to be highly available, if they are not, this can cause reputation damage and loss in revenue.
Authentication Consumers need to be able to login using some form of login, Google, Facebook, etc.
PCI DSS When customers make payments it’s important that card data is used & stored securely.
Recovery Point & Time Objectives Similiar to availability it’s critical that if data was corrupted or upgrade has gone wrong that app can recover quickly with as much data as possible.

B2C architecture before cloud:

B2C architecture after cloud:

This list is not complete, however the point is that typical B2C apps don’t have lots of technical requirements enforced upon them from consumers. This is why B2C service is so much cheaper, how much do you pay for Netflix and Spotify?

B2B, Business Applications

Here are some technical requirements that businesses often enforce on to other businesses:

Requirement Description
Corporate Identity Integration (Single Sign On Authentication) Medium/Large size companies have their own identity apps such as AzureAD, they don’t want to use your built in authentication mechanism if they can enable Single Sign On. This is where Federated identity comes in.
Audit They would like assurance and full trail of what’s happening inside the system, so they will ask for audit.
Data restore & Backup If company makes a mistake in their environment they will want to restore their data back to how it was.
Integration Often they have their own systems and they will want to integrate their existing applications with your application.
Security clearance Depending on the industry your business customers might want your ops staff to be security cleared, if this is not possible then sensitive data needs to be hidden or encrypted.
Escrow Businesses need to ensure businesses continuity, to do this they need to be able keep going even your business will go out of business.
ISO 27001 Key management, Antivirus, Firewalls, Segregation of duties, Pen testing, etc.
Reporting Access to data to be able to report on it.
Customisation & Configuration Data retention, authorisation, workflow, etc.
Availability Business sites don’t necessarily need to be as highly available as in a lot of industries people work 9am-5pm.
PCI DSS When businesses make payments it’s important that card data is used & stored securely.
Recovery Point & Time It’s critical that if data was corrupted or upgrade has gone wrong that app can recover quickly, business finance or patient data can’t be lost, huge amount of productivity can be lost if this not designed correctly.
Support Be able to troubleshoot issues quickly.
On-prem installation Company is able to install your software in their own environment.

This list is not complete, however if you compare B2B to B2C it’s easy to see that there is a lot more to it. So when companies charge other companies a lot more for their services we can appreciate why this happens.

B2B architecture before cloud and multitenancy:

B2B architecture after cloud and multitenancy:

So where is the revolution?

Consumer facing sites were doing SaaS with multitenancy for years. Websites like YouTube and Ebay have been scaling their solutions for a long time. Cloud has just made it easier for them to scale and in turn it has reduced their hosting cost. Business applications were doing SaaS for a long time, however multitenancy and cloud was just not a thing. Most service providers painfully installed software for each customer manually, then, they upgraded each customer one at the time and they monitored each customer one at the time. You get the picture. Customer provisioning took weeks and maybe months. Multitenancy offers something truly awesome, it removes slow per customer installation and upgrade problem and in turn it dramatically speeds up the software delivery and customer onboarding process. Cloud removes the infrastructure maintenance and provisioning burden. Together they simply transform business in a remarkable way. B2B apps can finally compete with B2C apps in terms of feature delivery speed and cost.


Let’s come back to the conversation with my friend. He thought that nothing was new here because he was thinking of B2C evolution. While I was thinking of B2B where multitenancy and cloud is transforming businesses and revolutionising business applications.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Azure App Services Web App Antivirus - Concept


Good web application antivirus solution needs to meet the following acceptance criteria:
  • Real-time inbound and outbound file scanning
  • Low latency, sub second performance
  • Transparent, no need to make changes to your web app
  • Requires no maintenance and is easy to setup

If you are using PaaS service such as Azure Web Apps your antivirus options are:

Option Limitation Installation Effort Maintenance Effort Cost Meets criteria
Firewall with ICAP integration Expense and ongoing maintenance High Medium High Yes
Send files to the antivirus API from your app Extra unnecessary development work Medium/High Medium Low No
Background service that scans your files Not real time, high possibility that viruses will be uploaded and downloaded Medium Low Low No
Reverse proxy binary content forwarding Scans only uploads Medium Low Low No
IIS Filter (this solution) PoC, not production ready Medium Low Low Yes

In depth exploration of different antivirus options is beyond the scope this article.

IIS Filter Solution, inspired by ModSecurity

This article will only cover the interesting parts of the solution, if you have questions please do comment.

AVFilter, File Upload/Download Filter

Filtering uploads and downloads is relatively straight forward thanks to IIS http modules, read more about them here.

Filtering Uploads

Here is an example of how you can detect file upload inside the http module:
 private void Context_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e)
      HttpApplication httpApplication = (HttpApplication)sender;
      HttpRequest httpRequest = httpApplication.Context.Request;
      if (httpRequest.RequestType == WebRequestMethods.Http.Post)
          if (httpRequest.Files.Count != 0)
              //Check files
Take a look at the full implementation here.

Filtering Downloads

When it comes to intercepting downloads it’s not as simple. Unfortunately outgoing traffic is written to the System.Web.HttpResponseStreamFilterSink and this stream is write only, so you can’t read it. So the only option that I and Google can think of is to proxy the outgoing stream. To make this happen I have created proxy class that changes write only steam to write/read stream, I have conveniently called it ReadWriteProxyStream, take a look at the implementation here.

Now that we have ReadWriteProxyStream class, we need to hook it up response filter, this is done when web request is first received:
    private void Context_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpApplication httpApplication = (HttpApplication)sender;
        httpApplication.Context.Response.Filter = new ReadWriteProxyStream(httpApplication.Context.Response.Filter);
Take a look at the full implementation here.

Before web response is returned back to user we need to check it, we can do this by reading the stream:
    private void Context_PreSendRequestContent(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpApplication httpApp = (HttpApplication)sender;
        HttpResponse httpResponse = httpApp.Context.Response;
        if(httpResponse.ContentType == "application/octet-stream")
            ReadWriteProxyStream filter = httpResponse.Filter as ReadWriteProxyStream;

            if (filter != null)
                byte[] data = new byte[filter.Length];
                filter.Position = 0;
                filter.Read(data, 0, data.Length);

                //Check files
Take a look at the full implementation here.

AVFileReceiver, Virus Scanning

For this proof of concept I have used Symantec virus scanner which comes with CLI, and to test it I have used EICAR test virus. EICAR test virus is harmless, it can’t actually do anything to your machine.

Symantec CLI will scan the specified file synchronously, so if the file is no longer there you know that it was not safe:
  using (Process process = Process.Start(
        "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Symantec\\Symantec Endpoint Protection\\DoScan.exe",
        "/ScanFile " + filePath))

    if (!File.Exists(filePath))
        throw new Exception("File was not safe!")
Take a look at the full implementation here.

Final Thoughts

If you like this concept then please do share and rate this blog post. If this post will generate enough interest I will productionise this concept. However, if you just can’t wait, then here is what you need to do to make this production ready:
  • Secure communication between AVFilter and AVFileReceiver
  • Secure AVFileReceiver access (authentication, network security group, etc)
  • Reduce VM maintenance through automation, use PowerShell files provided and place Cloud Service inside availability and upgrade group
  • Reduce memory consumption by intercepting binary responses only
  • Make debugging easier by logging exceptions
  • Improve performance by forwarding binary content using MTOM encoding to the AVFileReceiver and remove AVFilter temp storage
  • Improve scalability and responsiveness by using Async in the AVFileReceiver and AVFilter