Saturday 16 November 2013

Applied Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Part 6 - Application Services

We have developed our domain, setup our infrastructure, now we need to expose our domain to Applications. This is where Application Service comes in.

Any kind of application should be able to consume your Application Service and use it, mobile, desktop or web. It's good to keep this in mind when you setup your Application Service and Distributed Interface Layer (Web Service).

Application Service Contract (lives in a separate project):
    public interface ICartService
        CartDto Add(Guid customerId, CartProductDto cartProductDto);
        CartDto Remove(Guid customerId, CartProductDto cartProductDto);
        CartDto Get(Guid customerId);
        CheckOutResultDto CheckOut(Guid customerId);

   //Dto's are Data Transfer Objects, they are very important as they allow you to input and get the output from Application Services without exposing the actual Domain.
    public class CartDto
        public Guid CustomerId { get; set; }
        public List<CartProductDto> Products { get; set; }
        public DateTime Created { get; set; }
        public DateTime Modified { get; set; }

    public class CartProductDto
        public Guid ProductId { get; set; }
        public int Quantity { get; set; }

    public class CheckOutResultDto
        public Nullable<Guid> PurchaseId { get; set; }
        public Nullable<CheckOutIssue> CheckOutIssue { get; set; }

Application Service Implementation:

    public class CartService : ICartService
        readonly IRepository<Customer> repositoryCustomer;
        readonly IRepository<Product> repositoryProduct;
        readonly IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;
        readonly ITaxDomainService taxDomainService;

        public CartService(IRepository<Customer> repositoryCustomer, 
            IRepository<Product> repositoryProduct, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, ITaxDomainService taxDomainService)
            this.repositoryCustomer = repositoryCustomer;
            this.repositoryProduct = repositoryProduct;
            this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
            this.taxDomainService = taxDomainService;

        public CartDto Add(Guid customerId, CartProductDto productDto)
            CartDto cartDto = null;
            Customer customer = this.repositoryCustomer.FindById(customerId);
            Product product = this.repositoryProduct.FindById(productDto.ProductId);

            this.validateCustomer(customerId, customer);
            this.validateProduct(product.Id, product);

            decimal tax = this.taxDomainService.Calculate(customer, product);

            customer.Cart.Add(CartProduct.Create(customer.Cart, product, productDto.Quantity, tax));

            cartDto = Mapper.Map<Cart, CartDto>(customer.Cart);
            return cartDto;

        public CartDto Remove(Guid customerId, CartProductDto productDto)
            CartDto cartDto = null;
            Customer customer = this.repositoryCustomer.FindById(customerId);
            Product product = this.repositoryProduct.FindById(productDto.ProductId);

            this.validateCustomer(customerId, customer);
            this.validateProduct(productDto.ProductId, product);

            cartDto = Mapper.Map<Cart, CartDto>(customer.Cart);
            return cartDto;

        public CartDto Get(Guid customerId)
            Customer customer = this.repositoryCustomer.FindById(customerId);
            this.validateCustomer(customerId, customer);
            return Mapper.Map<Cart, CartDto>(customer.Cart);


        public CheckOutResultDto CheckOut(Guid customerId)
            CheckOutResultDto checkOutResultDto = null;
            Customer customer = this.repositoryCustomer.FindById(customerId);
            this.validateCustomer(customerId, customer);

            Nullable<CheckOutIssue> checkOutIssue = customer.Cart.IsCheckOutReady();

            if (!checkOutIssue.HasValue)
                Purchase purchase = customer.Cart.Checkout();
                checkOutResultDto = Mapper.Map<Purchase, CheckOutResultDto>(purchase);

            return checkOutResultDto;

        //this is just an example, don't hard code strings like this, use reference data or error codes
private void validateCustomer(Guid customerId, Customer customer)
            if (customer == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Customer was not found with this Id: {0}", customerId));

        private void validateProduct(Guid productId, Product product)
            if (product == null)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Product was not found with this Id: {0}", productId));

Example usage:
                new CartProductDto()
                    ProductId = viewModel.ProductId,
                    Quantity = 2

            CheckOutResultDto checkoutResult = this.cartService.CheckOut(;

  • Application Service is a gateway in to your Domain Model Layer via Dto's (Data Transfer Objects)
  • Application Service should not encapsulate any domain logic, it should be really thin 
  • Application Service method should do only one thing and do it well with one region of the domain, don't mix it to "make it more performance efficient for the Application that's consuming it".
  • To access Application Service you expose interface and Dto's for inputs and outputs (it's important not to expose your Domain Entity in a raw format, Dto is a proxy and it protects your domain)
  • Presenter (mobile app, desktop or web), should call different services to get data it needs and manipulate it to suit the UI. This might seem inefficient, or wasteful at first. You will realise that actually it's just as fast (if not faster), easier to test and maintain. 

  • Use AutoMapper to map your Domain Entity to Dto's, don't waste your time with manual mapping. It clutters your implementation code and maintenance becomes a nightmare. 
  • Don't think of screens when it comes to exposing Application Services, it's an API, think how a mobile app would access it, or how external potential customers would use it.
  • Realise that you will end up writing Application Services that suit your UI. This is only natural as this is what you been doing for a while. It will take a few goes before you change your thinking.
  • Application Service can be consumed directly if you don't need distribution i.e. your MVC app will just reference Application Service directly, you can then just try and catch errors in your Controller.
  • Application Service can be exposed via Web Service (Distributed Interface Layer). This further abstraction give you ability to "try and catch" errors so they can be exposed in a friendlier manner. Additionally it allows you to future proof your application e.g. versioning.

Useful links:
  • Service-oriented architecture explained in 7 steps

*Note: Code in this article is not production ready and is used for prototyping purposes only. If you have suggestions or feedback please do comment. 

Applied Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Part 4 - Infrastructure

If you come from database centric development (where database is the heart of the application) then this is going to be hard for you. In domain-driven design database and general data sources are not important, your application is persistence ignorant.

Put your infrastructure interfaces in to Domain Model Layer. Your domain will use them to get data, it doesn't need to care how, it just knows there is an interface exposed and it will use it. This simplifies things and allows you to focus on your actual Domain rather worrying about what database you will be using, where data is coming from, etc.

Infrastructure Contracts:
    public interface IEmailDispatcher
        void Dispatch(MailMessage mailMessage);

    public interface INewsletterSubscriber
        void Subscribe(Customer customer);
    //this lives in the core library and you can inherit from it and extend it e.g. ICustomerRepository : IRepository<Customer> then you can add some custom methods to your new interface. This can be useful if you want to uselize some of rich features of the ORM that you are using (should be a very rare case)
    public interface IRepository<TEntity> 
        where TEntity : IDomainEntity
        TEntity FindById(Guid id);
        TEntity FindOne(ISpecification<TEntity> spec);
        IEnumerable<TEntity> Find(ISpecification<TEntity> spec);
        void Add(TEntity entity);
        void Remove(TEntity entity);

Infrastructure Implementation (lives in the Infrastructure Layer):

public class NHibernateRepository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity>
        where TEntity : IDomainEntity
        public TEntity FindById(Guid id)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public TEntity FindOne(ISpecification<TEntity> spec)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public IEnumerable<TEntity> Find(ISpecification<TEntity> spec)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public void Add(TEntity entity)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public void Remove(TEntity entity)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    public class SmtpEmailDispatcher : IEmailDispatcher
        public void Dispatch(MailMessage mailMessage)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    public class WSNewsletterSubscriber : INewsletterSubscriber
        public void Subscribe(Customer customer)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

Example usage:

    public class CustomerCreatedHandle : Handles<CustomerCreated>
        readonly INewsletterSubscriber newsletterSubscriber;
        readonly IEmailDispatcher emailDispatcher;

        public CustomerCreatedHandle(INewsletterSubscriber newsletterSubscriber, IEmailDispatcher emailDispatcher)
            this.newsletterSubscriber = newsletterSubscriber;
            this.emailDispatcher = emailDispatcher;

        public void Handle(CustomerCreated args)
            //example #1 calling an interface email dispatcher this can have differnet kind of implementation depending on context, e.g
            // smtp = SmtpEmailDispatcher (current), exchange = ExchangeEmailDispatcher, msmq = MsmqEmailDispatcher, etc... let infrastructure worry about it
            this.emailDispatcher.Dispatch(new MailMessage());

            //example #2 calling an interface newsletter subscriber  this can differnet kind of implementation e.g
            // web service = WSNewsletterSubscriber (current), msmq = MsmqNewsletterSubscriber, Sql = SqlNewsletterSubscriber, etc... let infrastructure worry about it


  • Infrastructure contains implementation classes that actually talks to the infrastructure IO, Sql, Msmq, etc.
  • Domain is the heart of the application not the Infrastructure (this can be hard to grasp if you come from DBA background).
  • Infrastructure is not important in Domain-design design, it facilitates the application development doesn't lead it.
  • Infrastructure should not contain any domain logic, all domain logic should be in the domain. (i guarantee that when you first start out, you will put logic in there without knowing it)

  • When it comes to repositories try and just use a generic repository and stay away from custom implementations as much as possible i.e. IRepository<Customer> = good, ICustomerRepository = bad (it's never that simple, but a good general rule to work with).
  • When you first start out with infrastructure implementations, force your self not to put any if statements in to it. This will help your mind adjust to leaving all logic out of the Infrastructure Layer.
  • Take your time and try and understand what persistence ignorance really means, also try and research polyglot persistence this will expand your understanding.

Useful links:

*Note: Code in this article is not production ready and is used for prototyping purposes only. If you have suggestions or feedback please do comment. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Applied Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Part 5 - Domain Service

Domain Service is not be confused with Application Service or Web Service. Domain Service lives in the Domain Model Layer. Unlike Application or Web Service, Domain Service should not be called each time to access Domain Model Layer. You can call your repository interface in the Application Layer and get the Domain Entity directly.

  • Your business is responsible for collecting and paying Value Added Tax (VAT) based off your business location, your customer's location, and the type of product you are selling.

Domain Service Sample:
public class TaxDomainService : ITaxDomainService
        readonly IRepository<ProductTax> productTax;
        readonly IRepository<CountryTax> countryTax;
        readonly Settings settings;

        public TaxDomainService(Settings settings, IRepository<ProductTax> productTax, IRepository<CountryTax> countryTax)
            this.productTax = productTax;
            this.countryTax = countryTax;
            this.settings = settings;

        public decimal Calculate(Customer customer, Product product)
            CountryTax customerCountryTax = this.countryTax.FindById(customer.Country.Id);
            CountryTax businessCountryTax = this.countryTax.FindById(settings.BusinessCountry.Id);
            ProductTax productTax = this.productTax.FindById(product.Code.Id);
            return (product.Cost * customerCountryTax.Percentage) + 
                (product.Cost * businessCountryTax.Percentage) + (product.Cost * productTax.Percentage);

Example usage:
            Customer customer = this.repositoryCustomer.FindById(customerId);
            Product product = this.repositoryProduct.FindById(productId);

            decimal tax = this.taxDomainService.Calculate(customer, product);

            customer.Cart.Add(CartProduct.Create(customer.Cart, product, productQuantity, tax));

  • Domain Service allows you to capture logic that doesn't belong in the Domain Entity.
  • Domain Service allows you to orchestrate between different Domain Entities.

  • Don't create too many Domain Services, most of the logic should reside in the domain entities, event handlers, etc. 
  • It's a great place for calculation and validation as it can access entities, and other kind of objects (e.g. Settings) that are not available via the entity graph.
  • Methods should return primitive types, custom enums are fine too.

*Note: Code in this article is not production ready and is used for prototyping purposes only. If you have suggestions or feedback please do comment.